Lingua Inglese (II livello) - ISF - 2° sem.


Anno accademico 2014/2015

Dott. Victoria Franzinetti
Corso di studi
[f003-c302] laurea i^ liv. in informazione scientifica sul farmaco - a torino
2° anno
Di base
SSD dell'attività didattica
L-LIN/12 - lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of the course is to enable students to
a) write a lab report starting from a monograph
b) read and understand articles with a view to explaining them in Italian to doctors and pharmacists
c) access data banks, journals and other sources, and
d) write and recognise an abstract

Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

results witll be tested with a written paper forcussing on
1) an article (production of an abstract),
2) a lab report (an abridged version) starting from a text (monograph or article)
3) holding a conversation with a doctor or pharmacist and illustrating a drug (use of information leaflets.


This course wil make use of

articles (from drug companies and adta banks) focussing on understanding and on the production of an abstract

monographs and experiemnt description

information leaflets, as supplied by drug companies

Oral materials wil be used only in the classroom and will be drawn from conferences, Universities and proven data banks








Testi consigliati e bibliografia

materials are made available in the library and the students will also generate their own material to complete those supplied in class.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/10/2009 10:21
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