Lingua Inglese (I livello) - ISF - 2° SEM


Anno accademico 2014/2015

Dott. Victoria Franzinetti (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
[f003-c302] laurea i^ liv. in informazione scientifica sul farmaco - a torino
1° anno
Per la prova finale e per la conoscenza della lingua straniera
Mutuato da

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of the course is to enable students to use articles in English as a working tool rather than as a hurdle.
Furthermore, students should be able to access data banks and hold a basic conversation with a drug company and paharmacist

Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

A written text with questions in Italian to assess understanding (a bilingual dictionary is allowed), questions focussing on relevant grammar (use of the passive in scientific articles, if clauses, relative clauses and linkers)and a conversation with a doctor/chemist.


This course will use articles mostly supoplied by other courses the students are attended which have been worked into teaching materials; other materials are from relevenat on-line sources, pharmaceutical or drug companies and extracts from scientific grammar books. Materals from previous years are available on line


Testi consigliati e bibliografia

Materials from previous years and a selection of grammar books and English for Pharmacists (L. Beningni) are available in the Library
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/10/2009 10:01
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