Lingua Inglese (I livello) - ISF - 1° SEM


Anno accademico 2014/2015

Dott. Victoria Franzinetti (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
[f003-c302] laurea i^ liv. in informazione scientifica sul farmaco - a torino
1° anno
Di base

Obiettivi formativi

the aim of this course is for the students to learn how to:
1) read a relevant article in a reasonable amount of time, which for the purposes of the course is defined as a 'usueable time', that is making reading a working tool rather than an impossible hurdle;
ii) familiarise students with the main data banks and sources; and
iii) to give the students the foundations for the main relevant grammar structures


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

Results will be assessed at the end of the second semester, A written test will be administered (examples are available on line) consisting of a) an article or section thereof with three questions to be answered in Italian; b) a few basic grammar questions and c) a conversation between a drug information specialist and a doctor or pharmacist


The courses uses ad hoc material prepared by the teacher and often supplied by other course professors with relevant articles and or texts. Exercepts from scientific grammar books and other texts, as well as sources such as pubmed, WHO and MIT opensource are also used.

Students with more difficulties will be attending both a remedial course in the first semester and the course in the second. Students with no knowledge of English are offered extra tuition as well as the remedial course. Levels were assessed with a placement test at the beginning of the year.

A number of texts are available in the library, bust mostly relevant real life materials are used and changed every year. The previous year's materials are made available on line.

Material consist of article, exercises and excerpts from books within the legal limit of 15%.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/11/2009 15:11
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