Lingua Inglese ( II livello - 2° sem) CTF


Anno accademico 2014/2015

Dott. Victoria Franzinetti (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studi
[f003-c502] laurea a ciclo unico in chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - a torino
2° anno
Per la prova finale e per la conoscenza della lingua straniera
SSD dell'attività didattica
L-LIN/12 - lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of this curse is fourfold:
i) to teach students how to write a laboratory report starting from a monograph taken from the European Pharmacopeia;
ii) to understand the structure of an article, read and write the basic outline of an abstract;
iii) to be able to describe a graph and write a caption and
iv) to order and recognise lab materials

Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

Result should enable students to use articles through the medium of English, whatever the source (paper or data bank). Some conferences in English wil alaso be shown to teach students note-taking techniques


In the first semester students wil cover articles and abstract writing with particular reference to sources such as PubMed. They will be taught how to organise their own page.

In the second semster, when students attend for two hours a week as opposed to the one hour in the first semester, they will be writing reports using articles and monographs from the European Pharmacopeia. They wil also have to familiarise with graphs, tables and other forms (and vocabulary) pertaining to the description of data.

The last section will concern machinery, devices and instruments which might be used in a laboratory.


Testi consigliati e bibliografia

Material are supplied by the teacher and made available on line at the end of the course


a written test, covering all the above features will be administered at the end of the course. Bilingual dictionaries are allowed
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/10/2009 09:51
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