Lingua Inglese (II livello -1° sem) - Farmacia


Anno accademico 2012/2013

Dott. Victoria Franzinetti
Corso di studi
[f003-c501] laurea a ciclo unico in farmacia - a torino
2° anno
Di base
SSD dell'attività didattica
L-LIN/12 - lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese
Mutuato da

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of this course is to:
1) enable students tio understand and write a basic abstract
2) to write a lab report starting with a monograph
3) to hold a basic conversation with a foreign customer through the medium of English conveing essential information on the administration, use and side efefcts of a drug, and
4)using the most well known data banks

Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

results will be assessed with a written tests consisting of
the production of a lab report
the production of an abstract
a conversation with a customer
a bilingual dictionary is allowed


Materials are drawn from

Monographs (European Pharmacopieia)

Materials from the European Drug Agency, Pub Med  and WHO

example of articles and abstracts as well as extracts from books on teching students how to write an article, dissertation and paper within the legal limits thus not exceeding 15% of the book

LIve materials from conferences (from actual conferences, MIT OpenSource, Harvard Wise and U-Tube University)

materials will be put on line at the end of the course. The first semester course is for students with A to N surnames

Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/06/2013 15:01
Campusnet Unito
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