Lingua Inglese - 2° livello (III CTF - 1° e 2° sem.) |
English |
Anno accademico 2024/2025 |
Codice attività didattica FAR0029 |
Docente Dott. Victoria Franzinetti (Titolare del corso) |
Corso di studio [f003-c504] laurea magistrale in chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - a torino |
Anno 3° anno |
Tipologia Per la prova finale e per la conoscenza della lingua straniera |
Crediti/Valenza 3 |
SSD attività didattica L-LIN/12 - lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese |
Erogazione Tradizionale |
Lingua Inglese |
Frequenza Obbligatoria |
Tipologia esame Scritto |
Prerequisiti Livello di accesso: gli studenti avranno un test di livello all'inizio del secondo anno. Se raggiungono il livello richiesto (B2/C1 nella comnprensione scritta e scrittura, nessun orale del tipo ielts per lo scritto) si possono iscrivere direttamente al corso del terzo anno. In caso contrario dovranno frequentare il corso di sostegno nel secondo anno. Il test non può essere sostituito da certificati o attestati |
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of the course is to enable students to understand scientific articles, write abstracts, understand the basics of the European Pharmacopoeia and write a lab report, access and use the main relevant websites and data banks, describe graphs in English and express basic scientific opinions in English. |
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
Students will read scientific articles in English supplied by other courses of their year (Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Conclusions, results and Discussion). They will also write abstracts, and lab reports based on the European Pharmacopoeia. During the course they will also have learnt to illustrate graphs on their subjects, access and use the main relevant websites and data banks, express basic scientific opinions in English. Assessment: the test will consist of 4 sections (writing an abstract, a lab report and a graph as well as a skimming of scientific English for communication ) |
The aim of the course is to enable students to understand scientific articles, write abstracts, understand the basic of the European Pharmacopoeia and write a lab report, access and use the main relevant websites and data banks, describe graphs in English and express basic scientific opinions in English Materials used: materials from the European Pharmacopoeia, articles and lab reports. A photocopy of the handouts will be available at the beginning of each year |
Attività di supporto
students can contact the teacher by email for individual or group tutoring remedial course in year 2 |
access level: students will be administered a placement test at the beginning of their second year. If they reach the expected level (no oral but a B2/C1 level of written understanding and writing, very much on ielts model) they will attend a remedial course in their second year. If they pass the test they can access the third year course directly. No certificate will exempt students from the placement test.
Registrazione Aperta |