lingua inglese (Farmacia)


Anno accademico 2024/2025

Codice attività didattica
Dott. Victoria Franzinetti (Titolare del corso)
Corso di studio
[f003-c501] laurea a ciclo unico in farmacia - a torino
4° anno
Per la prova finale e per la conoscenza della lingua straniera
SSD attività didattica
L-LIN/12 - lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese
Tipologia esame
gli studenti avranno un test di livello all'inizio del terzo anno. Se raggiungono il livello richiesto (B2/C1 nella comnprensione scritta e scrittura, nessun orale) si possono iscrivere direttamente al corso del quarto anno. In caso contrario dovranno frequentare il corso di sostegno nel terzo anno. Il test non può essere sostituito da certificati o attestati

Obiettivi formativi

  • English
  • Italiano

The aim of the course is to give students basic academic writing and reading skills (abstract writing in particular) . Students will also be expected to write describe a graph and be able to communicate in a pharmacy explaining modes of administration, interactions and side effects of drugs as well as displaying basic skills in lab report writing.


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

  • English
  • Italiano

Understanding  articles in English supplied by other courses (highlighting Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Remarks and Conclusions). Basic skills in writing a Lab report, describing graphs, using materials from other courses and from the European Pharmacopoeia. Students will also have to display the ability to communicate in a pharmacy, using UK and US information leaflets, specifically explaining dosages, packaging, administration, interaction and side effects. Prescription,  OTC and off the shelf drugs will also be discussed with examples.

Assessment: a four part written exam (abstract, lab report, graph and illustration of a drug by a chemist or pharmacist).



  • English
  • Italiano

Articles in English supplied by other courses (highlighting Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Remarks and Conclusions). Writing a general Lab report, describing graphs again using materials from other courses and from the European Pharmacopoeia. They will also have to display the ability to communicate in a pharmacy, uspecifically explaining dosages, packaging, administration, interaction and side effects. Prescription OTC and off the shelf drugs will also be discussed with examples. Access to the main data banks and relevant websites.

A handout will be available at the begining of each year


Attività di supporto

  • English
  • Italiano

Individual or group tutoring by appointment

Remedial course in Year 3



  • English
  • Italiano

access level: students will be administered a placement test at the beginning of their thirdyear. If they  reach the expected level (no oral but a B2/C1 level of written understanding and writing, very much on ielts model) they will attend a remedial course in their third year. If they pass the test they can access the fourth year course directly. No certificate will exempt students from the placement test. 


  • Aperta
    Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/07/2014 17:11
    Campusnet Unito
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